NAVASSA — The next quarterly meeting of the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. – Navassa Superfund Site is set for 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, in the town’s community center, 338 Main St.

Representatives from The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, state state Department of Environmental Quality and Multistate Environmental Response Trust will be on hand to present environmental investigation reports, 2019 updates and site marking on the property framed by Brunswick River, Sturgeon Creek, a residential area and a light industrial area.
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Also, EPA Record of Decision activities are to be presented. The Record of Decision, or ROD, is a document available to the public explaining all the activities that took place before selection of a remediation method and describing how the remediation will protect human health and the environment.
Kerr-McGee and other companies used the 245-acre site for creosote-based wood treating from 1936 to 1974, but by 1980, Kerr-McGee dismantled the wood-treatment buildings and facilities. In 2005, the site was conveyed to Tronox, a Kerr-McGee spinoff that filed for bankruptcy protection in 2009. Multistate Trust in 2011 acquired the site as a court-appointed trustee as part of the Tronox bankruptcy settlement.
EPA, NCDEQ and Multistate Trust are working together on the site investigation, remediation and redevelopment planning of the contaminated site, according to a release from Multistate Trust. The site, which has soil, sediment and groundwater contamination by creosote-related chemicals, does not currently threaten those residing and working near the site.
Contact Richard Elliott of the Multistate Trust at 617-953-1154 or for more information.