NORTH OF COROLLA — The Currituck Banks Reserve will be closed to the public April 23-27 while the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program performs an aerial wildlife damage management operation for feral swine.

Feral swine, an invasive and destructive species, will be removed and the damage they’ve caused will be surveyed.
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North Carolina Division of Coastal Management is closing the reserve for this operation, which is taking place outside of the regular feral swine hunting season September to March. All activities will be conducted in collaboration with reserve personnel, local law enforcement and other participating landowners.
Feral swine pollute and degrade water quality, reduce forest regeneration and kill or displace many kinds of native wildlife, according to a release from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Additionally, they compete with native wildlife for resources, specifically food, habitat and water. Feral swine also prey directly on the nests, eggs and young of native ground nesting birds and reptiles.
For questions about the aerial operation, contact Gail Keirn, USDA public affairs specialist, at 970-266-6007. For questions related to the Currituck Banks Reserve, contact Kate Jones, Currituck Banks Reserve site manager, at 252-261-8891.