NAVASSA — The Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust’s presentation given June 20 during a public meeting about the environmental investigations, upcoming work and redevelopment planning activities for the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. Superfund Site here is now available online.
The meeting and informal sessions held earlier in the day on June 20 were hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Multistate Environmental Response Trust. The Multistate Trust has been working with EPA and DEQ on environmental investigations and cleanup activities at the Navassa site.
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The Multistate Trust is a private entity that owns the site and is responsible for managing, cleaning and working with the town to redevelop it. The trust owns and manages hundreds of former Kerr-McGee contaminated sites in 31 states. The court-appointed trustee of the Multistate Trust is Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC.
For more information, contact Multistate Trust Project Manager Richard Elliott at 617-953-1154 or re@g-etg.com; EPA Remedial Project Manager Erik Spalvins at 404-562-8938 or spalvins.erik@epa.gov; or DEQ environmental engineer Dave Mattison at 919-707-8336 or david.mattison@ncdenr.gov.
The following are links to materials presented or distributed at the public availability sessions and the public meeting, all available along with other materials at the Multistate Trust’s Kerr-McGee Navassa website:
- Presentation from June 20, 2017 Public Meeting
- Redevelopment Planning Initiative (RPI) Frequently Asked Questions
- Multistate Trust Roles and Responsibilities Fact Sheet
- Remedial (Cleanup) Technologies
- EPA Superfund Process (Community Involvement Activities)
- Fish Evaluation, Kerr-McGee Site (NC Division of Public Health)
- What Fish Are Safe to Eat? (NC Division of Public Health)
- Creosote Fact Sheet (NC Division of Public Health)