The Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail is looking for input on plans to extend the trail by more than 4 miles in Holly Shelter Game Land in Pender County.
The Mountains-to-Sea Trail stretches 1,175 miles from the Great Smoky Mountains to the Outer Banks, with stops along the way.
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The friends group is working with land managers and partners to develop a master plan to connect existing sections of the trail in Holly Shelter Game Land, which uses Holly Shelter Game Land unpaved roads, where highways U.S. 17 and N.C. 210 intersect.
To share thoughts with organizers, they’ve asked the public to answer a short survey. The draft master plan report will be available early next year for public comment.
The new section of trail will be separated from the game land’s road network, access the game land’s newly acquired tracts, and have a designated trailhead parking facility, unlike the current Mountains-to-Sea Trail in Holly Shelter.
The goals of this project are to increase hiker safety, increase access to Holly Shelter, provide new recreational opportunities for the community, and increase awareness of Holly Shelter’s incredible natural resources.
For more information and to contact the project team, visit the project website.