The Chowan Environmental Edenton Group is planning an event to present findings from air quality sensors in place throughout the region.
The event is set for 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Monday at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library, 106 W. Water St., Edenton.
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The group said more community scientists are needed to help monitor changes to the environment, and invites anyone who has an interest in air and water quality to attend.
The presentation by the group’s research partner scientists Haley Plaas and Rachael Cogbill of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill will include findings from the PurpleAir sensors deployed in the area. The discussion will cover how air particles are measured and the challenges of interpreting the data collected.
The program is sponsored as a part of a Community Collaborative Research Grant from North Carolina Sea Grant, the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute and the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science at North Carolina State University.
The Chowan Environmental Edenton Group was organized for charitable, scientific and education purposes. Regular meetings are held to plan community events, discuss relevant environmental issues for the region and build collaboration strategies with local and statewide partners.