Bridges to Bogue Banks, highway improvements, bike and pedestrian routes — residents can soon weigh in on Carteret County’s long-term transportation needs and priorities as officials begin work on a new countywide comprehensive transportation plan that looks decades ahead.
County and state officials will be on hand to answer questions and receive comments during a public information meeting about developing an updated comprehensive county transportation plan. The meeting is set for 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the county Board of Elections Office, 1702 Live Oak St., Beaufort.
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No formal presentation is planned for the informal, open-house format.
The comments and information received will be considered as work on the plan develops, officials said.
A comprehensive transportation plan is a long-range planning document that will assist in making transportation decisions for the next 25 to 30 years and is required by North Carolina law.
The study is a combined effort of Carteret County and its municipalities, the NCDOT Transportation Planning Division and the Down East Rural Planning Organization.
The study includes input from officials and the public to determine the area’s future transportation needs based on the best information available such as population, economic conditions, traffic trends and patterns of land development in the county. The study will also include multimodal forms of transportation including bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation.
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Carteret County’s most recent plan was adopted in 2014.
To provide input, contact the Carteret County Planning Department at 252-728-8545 or visit Carteret County government website.