The state Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Resource Fund Committee and the funding committee for the state Commercial Fishing Resource Fund will hold a joint meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 8 by web conference.
The committees will hear an update from Division of Marine Fisheries staff and have a discussion on requests for proposals for funding that were first reviewed Sept. 29. During this meeting, the committee is to further discuss the requests and clarify information. Details on the requests can be found in the September meeting minutes.
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Members of the public may listen to the meeting by phone or listen and view presentations online. Meeting information and agenda are on the division’s website.
A listening station will be at the Division of Marine Fisheries Headquarters Office in Morehead City.
Public comment will not be accepted during the meeting. The public may submit written comments by 4 p.m. Dec. 6 through an online form, by mail to Dec. 8, 2022 CFRF Meeting Comments, P.O Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557, or delivered to Division of Marine Fisheries Headquarters Office at 3441 Arendell St. in Morehead City.
The Commercial Fishing Resource Fund receives money from an increase in commercial fishing license fees put in place in 2015. The fund pays for observer coverage to fulfill the state’s obligations under incidental take permits for sea turtles and Atlantic sturgeon under the federal Endangered Species Act.
Any remaining money in the fund is to be used for projects to develop and support sustainable commercial fishing in the state. The projects must be approved by the six commercial fishing representatives in the Commercial Fishing Resource Funding Committee, and the Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Fishing Resource Fund Committee, made up of members of the commission holding the three commercial fishing seats, according to the division.
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These committees operate autonomous of the division, though the Division of Marine Fisheries provides support for their meetings.
For more information, contact or call 252-808-8015.