The night sky will be the star of the event Saturday at Cape Lookout National Seashore during this month’s Astronomy Night.
Set to begin at 5:30 p.m. at the national seashore’s Harkers Island Visitor Center, NASA Solar System Ambassador Brandon Porter will present a guided tour of the Autumn night sky.
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Following the presentation, park staff and area astronomers from the Crystal Coast Stargazers, which is a NASA Night Sky Network astronomy club, plan to host a star party that will offer participants the chance to watch the moon and other skybound objects through a telescope lens, depending on the weather.
Organizers recommend participants come prepared. Masks are required to attend, especially in groups while using the telescopes. Check the weather and dress accordingly and bring chairs for seating, water, snacks, bug repellent and flashlight with a red filter that helps in maintaining everyone’s night vision.
You can bring your own telescope to learn how to get the most out of it from members of the Stargazers club. For more information, go to