A new boat ramp at the soundside launch area at the end of Myrna Peters Road in Rodanthe is officially open for public use, Dare County announced Friday.
The ramp extends 17 feet into the water of the T-shaped harbor that then connects with a federal navigation channel called Blackmar Gut before leading into the Pamlico Sound.
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The boat ramp features a two-lane boat dock with a 60-foot-long center floating dock and courtesy platform. The ramp site also features parking spaces for vehicles with trailers.
The land where the Rodanthe boating access area was built is owned by Dare County, which partnered with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for the project.
The first phase of the project, which included the boat ramps, dock and bulkhead, was built by an in-house North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission crew. Phase 2 was a contracted project that consisted of all upland parking lot work and other associated site work. There were no wetlands impacts proposed by the project, the county said. A 30-foot-long vegetated buffer was installed along the southern edge of the boat ramp.