Whole crab pots in good condition recovered from northeastern North Carolina waters during the seventh Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project can be reclaimed by their rightful owners.
The North Carolina Coastal Federation collected lost fishing gear this month with the help of 30 commercial watermen and women along the coast.
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Only crab pots with an identifiable buoy determined to be in good enough condition to be used again have been set aside and can be reclaimed from the northeast office in Wanchese.
To reclaim any of the gear recovered from the Virginia state line, Manteo to Swan Quarter, and the Outer Banks to Ocracoke, make an appointment with Sara Hallas, the federation’s northeast coastal education coordinator, at 252-473-1607. Appointments are available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays between Feb. 1-15.
Identification is required to claim any gear. Gear left unclaimed will be recycled to the best extent possible.
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission Commercial Resource Fund Committee and the Funding Committee for the North Carolina Commercial Resource Fund under the Commercial Fishing Resource Fund Grant Program funded the project.
This project is part of the federation’s overall effort to ensure a coast that is free of marine debris. Establishing an annual paid program for marine debris removal, including crab pots, is a key objective of the N.C. Marine Debris Strategic Plan. For more information on the progress of the Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project over past years, visit nccoast.org/crabpotproject.