The public can listen in at 9 a.m. Oct. 16 the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Steering Committee webinar meeting.
Committee members are scheduled to review issue papers for the 2021 Coastal Habitat Protection Plan revision.
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The committee will also hear presentations on the status of submerged aquatic vegetation in the state’s estuarine waters, threats and conservation needs for North Carolina salt marshes and nutrient management initiatives in North Carolina.
The public can join the meeting online or listen over the telephone. A link to join the webinar, as well as information on system requirements and testing, can be found online.
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries, Environmental Management and Coastal Resources Commissions adopted the North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan December 2004. The document provides information on the habitats’ distribution and abundance, ecological functions and importance to fish production, status and trends, threats to the habitats, and includes recommendations to address threats.
The Coastal Habitat Protection Plan is revised every five years to reflect changes in the status of habitat protection in North Carolina. The 2016 plan is currently being amended and the 2021 Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Amendment is under development.
Contact Jimmy Johnson at with the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership or Anne Deaton with the Division of Marine Fisheries.