The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores has organized a costume parade and virtual party for families with toddlers to safely celebrate Halloween.
There will be three opportunities from 10 a.m. to noon Oct. 27, Oct. 28 and Oct. 29 to participate in a socially-distanced stroller and wagon parade during the aquarium’s FISH-tacular Preschool Halloween Parade & Virtual Event.
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“We are offering two different Halloween activities, hoping to engage children at a variety of levels,” said Liz Baird, aquarium director. “We are looking forward to connecting with our youngest visitors and sharing their excitement over wearing a costume while visiting our animals. It will be fun to have everyone join us on Zoom to continue the aquarium experience from home on Friday.”
The socially-distanced “costume parade” is included in the cost of a regular visitor ticket, or free for members. Admission tickets are online reservations, and Halloween activity bags are limited.
While at the parade, purchase for $10 a bag with supplies to participate in the virtual event 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 30. To participate in the virtual event only, follow the link to reserve a ticket and an activity bag.
The virtual event activity bag comes stocked with a mini-pumpkin, stickers, sweet treats, crafts, a treasure from the sea and a ticket for a virtual program that will be held on Zoom. The link for the Halloween virtual Zoom program is included in the activity bag.
“Halloween at the Aquarium is a family tradition for many, and while it is different this year, we wanted to continue to offer families the opportunity to engage with us and enjoy the season in new and special ways,” said Windy Arey-Kent, the aquarium’s education curator.
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The aquarium will be decorated with a not-too-spooky Halloween theme and friendly costumed characters.
“It will be fun for adults and children, alike! Dressing up, taking photos, learning about the aquarium and our animals while taking home some treats … what could be better?” Arey-Kent said. “Any time you get to see the animals at the aquarium it’s exciting, but to get to show the animals your coolest costumes, take some fun pictures, get some yummy treats and awesome crafts to take home … well that is a great day at the aquarium.”