An oceanfront home in Rodanthe was destroyed overnight, littering a large swath of shoreline and water, and displaced renters from neighboring homes, Chicamacomico Banks Water Rescue announced Friday morning.

The house was unoccupied during the incident, and no injuries were reported as of Friday morning, according to an Island Free Press report.
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In the debris field littering the shoreline and water that stretches from Sea Oats or Liberty gas station through the S-turns are boards with nails and other hazards as well as compromised septic tanks. The rescue advises avoiding water activities are in the north Rodanthe area.
Only a few pilings and exposed septic remnants and plumbing remain of the original structure, a vacation rental home at the end of Sea Oats Drive that was built in 1977, the Island Free Press reported. Northern Rodanthe is prone to beach erosion and ocean overwash, especially during storms.