NEWPORT — As baby animal season starts to pick up, so does the need for volunteers at the Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter.
Volunteers help feed the variety of animals brought in for rehabilitation, including baby possums, several species of birds, squirrels, bunnies and even a baby muskrat, according to the Carteret County News-Times.
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So far, more than 50 baby animals have been brought in and the organization expects those numbers to increase through July.
On top of feeding baby animals, workers continue to care for the adult injured and orphaned animals the nonprofit shelter cares for daily.
In addition to volunteers, the shelter needs donations to purchase the extra mealworms, Pedialyte, special formulas and other specialized foods needed to care for these animals.
OWLS has a special account with The Nature’s Way for mealworms. Donations can be made by calling 1-800-318-2611.
Those who find baby animals should place them in a quiet, warm, dry place and transport them to the shelter. If found when the shelter is closed, add supplemental heat such as a heating pad to keep them warm until they can be transported.
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Shelter hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 2-5 p.m. Sunday.
To volunteer, fill out an application at the shelter at 100 Wildlife Way, or go to their Facebook page or website.
The shelter also has a special junior volunteers program for 13 to 17 years old. There is a different application for the youth program.
Those who want to make tax-deductible donations can mail checks to OWLS, 100 Wildlife Way, Newport, NC 28570, drop them off at the shelter or donate through PayPal on the website.
For more information, call the shelter at 252-240-1200.
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- Full Story in the Carteret County News-Times.