BRUNSWICK COUNTY — Commissioners here during their meeting Monday voted 4-1 to remove from the agenda a resolution against offshore drilling, the StarNews reported.
With the resolution taken off the table, the board did not vote in support of or against the resolution.
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Chairman Frank Williams and Commissioners Mike Forte, Pat Sykes and Marty Cooke all voted to remove the resolution from the agenda while Commissioner Randy Thompson voted against removing the resolution.
The commissioner’s chambers were full of residents that supported the resolution against offshore drilling and those both against and in favor of offshore drilling spoke during the public comment period.
Holden Beach resident Dwight Willis, who is also with the Brunswick Environmental Action Team, brought resolutions against offshore drilling passed by 13 of Brunswick County’s 19 municipalities to Monday night’s meeting and implored commissioners to follow in the footsteps of the municipalities who have passed resolutions.
Pete Key with Brunswick Environmental Action Team, or BEAT, told Coastal Review Online that they are very disappointed that Brunswick County Commissioners steadfastly refuse to listen to the people they represent.
“Despite over 250 citizens from Brunswick County attending the meeting in favor of a resolution against offshore drilling and seismic testing, Chairman Frank Williams, Commissioners Marty Cooke and Pat Sykes continue to put their party politics before the people. While we weren’t by any means blindsided by their decision, we were hopeful that a large show of constituents in favor would show them how important this issue is to the people of Brunswick County,” he continued. “Brunswick Environmental Action Team has not, and will not, give up on this issue. It is a critical battle that needs to be won if we are to keep our beaches and coastal environments pristine and safe for future generations. Politicians will change but our resolve is firm. Not off our coast.”