The Tryon Palace Foundation has been given property at the corner of S. Front and Craven streets, locally referred to as the “Talbots lot,” to be a community park in downtown New Bern.
The property was donated by Betty Wilson of Trent Wood. She requested that gift be recognized as given by Betty and William G. Wilson, her late husband. The foundation will name the area Wilson Park.
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Tryon Palace Foundation will hold at 4 p.m. Tuesday a dedication ceremony for Wilson Park that will include a procession led by Tryon Palace’s 1st NC Regiment of the Continental Line and the posting of colors by the 35th United States Colored Troops.
Wilson donated the land to Tryon Palace Foundation on the condition that the property be developed and maintained as a park and green space for art, education and community programs.
Tryon Palace’s vision for the property includes developing a community park that can be used for Fife and Drum Corps performances, reenactments of the 1st NC Regiment of the Continental Line and the 35th United States Colored Troops, Jonkonnu performances and other educational programming, officials said. Other ideas involve art and displays to engage visitors more deeply in the stories of this region and state.
The historic site will announce more details as plans emerge.
The Tryon Palace Foundation supports the Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens by protecting, preserving and developing the legacy of its historical past.