State transportation officials will host Sept. 2 a virtual project update on the ongoing Rodanthe “jug handle” bridge project.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation is raising the highway onto a 2.4-mile bridge that extends over Pamlico Sound between the southern end of the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge and Rodanthe. The bridge, which is currently under construction, is described as a long-term transportation solution for N.C. 12 and expected to be complete later this year or early 2022.
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The virtual meeting will be at 6 p.m. Sept. 2. During the meeting, NCDOT officials and project engineers are expected to provide an update on the project’s progress and answer questions.
To join the meeting online use https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/935022325 or call 571-317-3122 to listen to the audio portion. When prompted, use the access code 935-022-325.
Comments can be submitted during the meeting by calling 1-984-205-6615, entering project code 8679 and leaving a message or by the chat box during the meeting. Comments can also be submitted before, during or after the meeting by sending feedback to NC12-Rodanthe@PublicInput.com.