The North Carolina Coastal Federation needs 25 volunteers to plant salt marsh grasses that will help protect the shoreline from erosion and create new habitat for marine life.
Volunteers are to meet at the entrance of the Morada Bay Subdivision, 200 Morada Bay Drive, Newport, 10 a.m. June 2 to plant along the shoreline of the federation’s future Center for Coastal Protection and Restoration.
Supporter Spotlight
The event is best for ages 12 and older and is limited to 25 people. Registration is required.
This marsh grass planting event is part of a living shoreline project. For more information on living shorelines check out the Living Shorelines Academy, an online exchange of information that encourages the use of environmentally friendly erosion control practices to protect waterfront property.
Volunteers should wear weather-appropriate clothes that can get wet and dirty, closed-toe shoes that cover the foot and can get wet and muddy are required. Volunteers should also bring a water bottle, hat, sunglasses and any medications they may need.
Participants will need to check in with staff to pick up supplies and will be directed to work in small groups and maintain safe distances while planting. Bring a mask or face covering for the event.
Snacks, water, sunscreen and bug spray will be provided.