An online public hearing on proposed shellfish leases in Onslow County is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 11.
The following are the proposed leases:
Supporter Spotlight
- Thomas Cannon has applied for an 8.16-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Permuda Island Bay.
- Holden Davanzo, agend for Anchored Life Oyster Farm, LLC., has applied for a 1.86-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Spicer Bay, or Everett Bay.
- Nelson Bullock has applied for a 2.26-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Alligator Bay.
- Louis LeMoine has applied for a 4.55-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Mainland Areas near Topsail Sound.
- Joshua Thompson and Dolphus Thompson Jr. have applied for an 8.30-acre shellfish bottom lease in Stones Bay.
- Joshua Thompson also has applied for an 8.19-acre shellfish bottom lease in New River below the 172 bridge, and Dolphus Thompson Jr. has applied for a 2.01-acre water column lease partially above it.
- Three Little Spats Oyster Company, LLC.’s Robert R. Gadow has applied for a 9.01-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in Permuda Island Bay.
Join the Meeting Online and use event code 185 296 7180 and password 1234. Call 415-655-0003 to listen by phone. To speak during the meeting, register online by 4 p.m. May 10.
Written comments will be accepted until 6 p.m. May 12 either through an online form or mailed to N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, Shellfish Leases, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557.
To find out the status of a current shellfish lease application or about the location of an active or terminated shellfish lease, use the Division of Marine Fisheries’ Shellfish Lease and Aquaculture Program interactive shellfish aquaculture tool. The map was designed to allow the public to follow the application process.
For more information, contact Marla Chuffo, with the division’s Habitat and Enhancement Section, at 252-808-8048 or