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This handwritten sign reading “Fishermen Only” at the Ocracoke Seafood Co. on Silver Lake at Ocracoke Island sets guidelines in line with COVID-19 restrictions determined by the state. As Phase 2 of North Carolina’s reopening begins, Elizabeth Dyer with the company’s retail market said the company is taking strict precautions, including cleaning routines.
“We require masks for our patrons and even have complimentary disposable masks and hand sanitizer,” said Dyer. “There is a one-way flow of traffic and lines of tape to enforce social-distancing.”
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Dyer said business has been fair, although “Memorial Day weekend was great, we are making enough each day to stay open.”
She said the message for seafood lovers is that there is high-quality seafood in North Carolina waters and to support commercial fishermen as a resource.
“I don’t wanna lose that,” she said.