BEAUFORT — Coastal residents and business, government and nonprofit representatives are invited to weigh in on ways to make the region more resilient to the effects of climate change during a daylong event here.
The Building Community Resilience to Climate Change Impacts Stakeholder Meeting was rescheduled for 9 a..m. to 4:30 p.m. March 27 in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Beaufort Lab Auditorium, 101 Pivers Island Road. Originally set for Jan. 18, the meeting was postponed due to inclement weather.
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Participants will discuss during this free event the following:
- How climate change is affecting and will affect coastal North Carolina.
- What it means to be resilient to climate change effects.
- How to address climate change effects.
- How to facilitate greater climate resilience along the coastal plain.
Registration is required.
For more information, contact Christine Voss, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences, at 252-726-6841 ext. 125 or