Reprinted from Ocracoke Observer
Dare Arts is seeking entries for the 46th annual Frank Stick Memorial Art Show, which will open in early February in the downtown Manteo gallery.
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Artists wishing to participate in the show organized by the nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging the arts in Dare County through advocacy, enrichment and opportunity can find the prospectus and sign up online for a time to drop off their work .
The opening reception will be held at no charge from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 2. The show will be on display from Feb. 3-24.
The Frank Stick Memorial Art Show is the longest-running visual arts exhibit in Dare County and is held in memory of Frank Stick. His influence on the Outer Banks as a preservationist and artist cemented his legacy as one of the most important figures of the 20th century in the county, organizers said.
Artist and educator Eric Burris, a practicing metalsmith for 25 years and is currently the metals studio coordinator at Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, will judge the show.
He has an master’s degree in metals and jewelry from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University. He focuses on a Japanese technique called Mokume Gane or “wood grain metal.”
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“I’m honored to be the juror for the longest-running art exhibit in Dare County,” Burris said in a statement. “I’m new to the area and excited to see the creative and thoughtful work made by my fellow artists.”
Artists are encouraged to enter their most innovative work for the possibility of winning the Eure Best in Show Award.
Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring the show or awards should contact Dare Arts Executive Director Jessica Sands at For more information visit the website or call 252-473-5558.
This story is provided courtesy of the Ocracoke Observer, a newspaper covering Ocracoke island. Coastal Review is partnering with the Ocracoke Observer to provide readers with more environmental and lifestyle stories of interest along our coast.